Early Years Foundation Stage

Throughout the country, from birth to the end of the reception year, all children follow the 'Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)'. 

EYFS Website link

There are 4 guiding principles of the EYFS:

Learning and development is split into 7 areas of learning

Our curriculum policy, which can be found in the 'school policies' section, explains how we deliver the EYFS, more information is available from school, by talking to your child's key adult.

3 Prime Areas

4 Specific Areas

We follow the EYFS in an exciting and imaginative way. Activities and experiences are planned around the children's interests and are designed for children to enjoy learning and make rapid progress.

When we need to provide remote learning, we use our Facebook page, Website and Class Dojo to direct parents to websites that are designed for children of this age, for exmple,  www.bbc.co.uk/tiny-happy-people, and we record staff telling bedtime stories.